
What Can I Do With A Business And Management Studies Degree?

An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or other postsecondary school, and will be 19 or older (21 or older for degree programs) as of the first day of classes. Looking at business through the lens of an entrepreneur, the Business Management program is your springboard into an inspiring career. Others are gainfully employed in a wide range of business activities including visual merchandising, store planning, sales (both business-to-business and business-to-consumer), sales promotion, marketing, social media, marketing research, purchasing, customer service and management. You should also examine your competition and think how could they change their business to impact you.

This course will give you the skills you need to pursue a career as an entrepreneur or to work in business management as part of a national or multinational organisation. Students will also gain knowledge on how to develop their business idea into …